Please note:
- Programs listed here are open to people of all religions and walks of life, unless otherwise specified. Also please note the new rates in payment of fees.
- Registration (Rs. 200.00 per Course or Retreat) and Course fee or Retreat Fee (Rs. 200.00 per day), are non-refundable. Board and lodge fee, Rs. 300.00 per day can be paid on arrival.
- Please make your DD in favour of Atmadarshan, Patna, and send by Speed Post. You can also transfer your money to our Atmadarshan Bank Account. Please get the Bank Account Number from the Director or Administrator.
- Atmadarshan will remain closed for maintenance from 21 to 27 May, both days included.
Tony Mattapally S.J.
Dates: 5 pm Jan 22 to 5 pm Jan 30
This workshop and retreat takes you through the experience of librating yourself from the slavery to your past your Egypt, free you from the rule of the Pharaoh of past conditioning and habits by using your five senses, the unconscious and the conscious aspects of your person. It cleanses you from the influence of the past, empowers your present and reorients your future with positive resources.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (20 Seats)
Fr. Mathew Chemplany, SJ
Dates: 5 pm Feb 02 to 5 pm Feb 07
The five-day workshop is specially designed to train leaders for congregations, provinces, communities, schools, pastoral and social ministries, grass root work, health services, etc. This workshop will impart skills of leadership and management in the context of religious governance and ministerial animation. The emphasis will be on awareness, interpersonal skills, planning, organisation, and partnership in decision making process in the context of our commitment to Christ and to the gospel values.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 2700.00) (24 Seats)
Fr. Joe Kootinal SJ
Dates: 5 pm 09 Feb to 5 pm Feb 19
The workshop is done in a setting in which you will do plenty of drawing, writing, painting etc. This is to create an atmosphere that will help us to get in touch with the inner child that is usually hidden within our grown up persons. This workshop will help you to rediscover your inner child and actually feeling its emotions, and recapturing its sense of wonder. The activities will help you to embrace your vulnerable child and your angry child, find your nurturing parent within, and finally discover your creative, spiritual child that can heal your life. The retreat that follows will help you to integrate the experiences of the workshop in an atmosphere of prayer and silence.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 5200.00) (Seats 14)
Fr. Vimal Kishore SJ
Dates: 5 pm 20 Feb to 5 pm 28 Feb
Using the discoveries of Jung in depth psychology and its application to one’s own personality type, the retreat aims at depth knowledge of one’s being, behaviour and motivation, thus leading to inner integration and wholeness of the person. The first part of the retreat will be a workshop on ‘Myers-Briggs’ Personality Inventory (MBTI). The second part will try to integrate the insights of this typology through guided imagery, prayer, meditation, etc.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (24 Seats)
Sr. Christine and Fr. Sebastian Kanekattil SJ
Dates: 5 pm 6 March to 5 pm 14 March
This workshop is for senior religious and priests above 60 years of age. It provides the seniors an opportunity to celebrate together the evening of their life, their experiences of the faithfulness of God in their life, and their creative response to the call of God. The workshop will also help the seniors to revisit their life as a whole and discern their way forward.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (24 Seats)
Fr. Mathew Chemplany, SJ
Dates: 5 pm 16 March to 5 pm 26 March
Making use of the findings in Psychology, Prayer, and Mysticism the Inner Healing Retreat attempts to bring about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing in the whole person for a balanced living and mature personality development. This retreat will help the participants to experience the authentic God in Christ Jesus living in our hearts and in our society at large.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 5200.00) (24 Seats)
Fr. Joe Kootinal SJ
Dates: 5 pm 29 March to 5 pm 06 April
This is a ten day journey of faith leading to a self-esteem based on our true identity as the beloved children of God. Uncertainty of identity and the consequent low self-esteem make people unfree. This journey to freedom seeks to enable participants to rejoice in their relationship with the Abba.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 5200.00) (14 Seats)
Fr. Pius Thekemury SJ
Dates: 5 pm 09 April to 17 pm 20 April
The grace of the Cross is one of the most difficult things for us to understand and accept. Here is an invitation to enter into the mystery of the cross and the meaning of the paschal mysteries in the life of Jesus and in our own life. We meditate on the centrality of God’s love in the Kingdom, the experience of “belovedness,” and how we cultivate and deepen it by taking, blessing, breaking and giving.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (20 Seats)
Fr. Tony Mattapally SJ
Dates: 5 pm 01 May to 5 pm 10 May
God has a dream for each one of us. He focuses his attention on that genius within us and invites us to bring to fulfilment that dream of God. This workshop aims at reorienting your past, present and future in accordance with your left and right brain and empowering you in a creative way to achieve your goal of actualising the dream of God for you.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 5200.00) (24 Seats)
Fr. Jose Thachil SJ
Dates: 5 pm 14 May to 5 pm 24 May
You can have more than you have got because you can become more than you are. And if you don’t change out of where you are you will always remain where you have always been. This workshop will explore how a community animator could facilitate the personal development of the members to become more than they are.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (20 Seats)
Fr. Joe Kootinal SJ
Dates: 5 pm 01 June to 5 pm 15 June
This is for those in early stage of formation. This program will attempt to help the formees gain fluency in speech and accuracy in writing English. It will also attempt to help the participants in their work of formation using the various activities of learning the language.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 3200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 7700.00) (15 Seats)
Fr. Mathew Chemplany SJ and Team
(For admission contact: or Mob: 09430061381)
Dates: 5 pm 6 July to 5 pm 04 September
This 2 months-long skills based program is meant for those who intend to be engaged in the ministry of formation and for those Formators of Religious / Seminarians who want to renew themselves and update their skills for formation ministry. Some of the modules included in the program are: psycho-spiritual integration, holistic awareness, discermment of vocation and selection of candidates, spiritual direction skills, directional analysis of personality, cultural diversity and integration, methodology of formation, counselling skills, effective use of audio-visual techniques in teaching and integration of justice, peace and integrity of creation (JPIC).
Registration Fee: Rs. 1000.00, Board and Lodging: Rs. 17,400.00
Group activities: Rs. 2000, Course fee: Rs. 8700.00
(Total Cost = Rs. 29,100.00) (24 Seats)
Fr. Joe Kootinal SJ & Team
Dates: 5 pm 10 July to 5 pm 22 July
These twelve days will be utilised for holistic awareness of one’s own person as body, heart, mind, and spirit open to oneself, others, cosmos, and the divine for an experience of the Eternal Spirit dwelling in the core of one’s heart. The first seven days will be used for integration of one’s heart. The first seven days will be used for integration of one’s personal life, increase in self-esteem, growth in emotional maturity, healing of fear, sadness, and anger, increase in love, peace, and joy, and above all to experience the joy of the Gospel. The following five days will e used for reaping the rich fruits of the holistic awareness in deep silence for a personal union with Jesus for a fruitful life.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2600.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 6200.00) (24 Seats)
Fr. Pius Thekemury SJ
Dates: 5 pm 24 July to 5 pm 02 August
Using the method of Lexio Divina the participants will be helped to use the Bible in contemplation and prayer.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 5200.00) (20 Seats)
Fr. Joe Vellaringatt SJ & Team
Dates: 5 pm 05 August to 5 pm 17 August
This Workshop makes use of AMR (Awareness Meditative Relaxation) as a therapeutic tool for healing of anxiety, fear, guilt, hurt, sadness, resentment, anger, dislike, hatred, disappointment, frustration, and depression. Once these negative feelings are released, one experiences positive feelings of love, peace, and joy, the gifts of the Holy Spirit AMR also helps the participants in the treatment of stress and stress- related chronic illnesses. AMR is also highly effective in cleansing negative thought patterns and images that diminish the joy of living. The Workshop will be followed by five days of directed retreat in deep silence to experience union with Christ for a total self-gift in one’s personal life and ministry.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2600.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 6200.00) (24 Seats)
Fr. Pius Thekemury SJ
Dates: 5 pm 22 August to 5 pm 30 August
This is an invitation for a fresh experience of walking with the living Jesus, contemplating the scenes of the gospel as narrated to us by Mathew. Using a wonderful film, we enter more deeply into the life of Jesus. This Jesus, brimming with the joy of the Kingdom, is touching and transforming the lives of those who open themselves up to God’s love.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (20 Seats)
Fr. Joe Vellaringat & Team
Dates: 5 pm 02 September to 5 pm 14 September
This workshop and retreat aims at helping the participants to attain a holistic integration of light and shadow, conscious and unconscious, and the right and left brain so that they can move towards fullness of life. The methodology consists of a unified spiral movement towards divine union through relaxation, focus, absorption, identification, and integration leading to a life of true love, peace, and harmony. This will be followed by a contemplative retreat to enhance to the experience of the joy of the good news of Jesus.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2600.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 6200.00) (24 Seats)
Fr. Mathew Chemplany SJ
Dates: 5 pm 15 September to 5 pm 25 Sept
It is basically a therapy course. In this program the emphasis is on awareness of one’s healthy and healthy behaviours and attitudes with a view to help the participants to strengthen the healthy behaviours and attitudes and eliminate the unhealthy behaviours and attitudes; it will help the participants to function better in inter-personal relationships, community life and ministry.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 5200.00) (14 Seats)
Fr. Joe Kootinal SJ
Dates: 5 pm 02 Oct to 5 pm 10 October
This is a semi-directed retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (14 Seats)
Fr. Mathew Chemplany & Team
Dates: 5 pm 16 Oct to 5 pm 25 November
This Program is meant for finally professed Sisters in active ministry. In a peaceful atmosphere of relaxation the participants will be guided through themes in awareness, prayer, meditation, empowerment, psycho-spiritual integration, eco-spirituality, and women’s journey to wholeness. Personality inventories like MBTI, Enneagram, and other relevant materials will be used for personal growth sessions, Growth in emotional and spiritual maturity together with human relatedness, communication and leadership skills will be a part of the course. Use of the Word of God for healing, and spiritual growth will be emphasized. The Program will end with a six-day retreat.
Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 6900.00, Board and Lodging: Rs. 12,600.00
Group activities: Rs. 1500, Total Cost = Rs. 21,000.00 (24 Seats)
(For admission contact: or Mob: 09430061381)
Fr. Tony Mattapally SJ
Dates: 5 pm 18 Oct to 26 October
This is a workshop and retreat to lead the participants to self-empowerment and enlightenment using the symbolic language of the left brain.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (20 Seats)
Fr. Joe Kootinal SJ
Dates: 5 pm 28 Oct to 07 November
Every life structure necessarily gives priority to certain aspects of the self and neglects or minimizes the others. In the second half of our life these neglected aspects begin to assert. This demands a re-evaluation and a new integration. This workshop and retreat invites you to explore the various life transitions to reach a new integration and wholeness.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 2200.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 5200.00) (14 Seats)
Fr. Joe Vellaringat SJ
Dates: 5 0m 10 Nov to 5 pm 18 November
This is a directed retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (14 Seats)
Fr. Pius Thekemury SJ
Dates: 5 pm 27 Nov to 05 December
The word becomes flesh and dwells among us. It happens again and again. In deep faith we journey through the gospel of Luke to become aware of the graced events and to allow this to happen more and more consciously in our everyday life.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (20 Seats)
Fr. Mathew Chemplany SJ
Dates: 5 pm 03 Dec to 5 pm 11 December
This retreat will help you to bring about deeper awareness of your emotional life and its effects on your spiritual life. Grace builds on nature. You need to heal yourself emotionally in order to experience the promptings of the Spirit in your life.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (20 Seats)
Fr. Joe Kootinal SJ
Dates: 5 pm 27 Dec to 5 pm 4 January
With the help of a guided meditation to set the theme for the day, this retreat will attempt to help the participants to enter into a deep union with Jesus in order to know him more deeply, love him more intimately and follow him more closely.
(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1800.00)
(Board and Lodging: Rs. 300.00 per day) (Total Cost = Rs. 4200.00) (20 Seats)
- Unless otherwise specified the Retreatants will be given opportunity for personal guidance in each of the retreats.
- Many of the retreats and other courses incorporate relaxation exercises as part of the guided meditation in the morning. So the participants are requested to bring loose clothes. e.g. salvar-kameej, pajama-shirt for the meditation. All programmes begin at 5.00 p.m. of the starting day and participants are to report, at the latest, by 5.00 p.m. on the opening day. Programmes will end at 5.00 p.m. on the last day. Therefore you can plan your return journey accordingly.
- In case of workshops you are requested to bring sufficient writing material for the work. A copybook is needed for any retreat.
- You need to bring your own towel, toilet articles, and other personal effects only. Rooms are provided with bed linen, mosquito net, blankets etc.
Advance payment of Registration (Rs. 200.00) and Course Fee (Rs. 200.00 per person per day) is the ONLY way of reserving seats. The total amount (Registration + Course Fee) to be paid in advance for each Course/Retreat, is given under each Course/Retreat.
Board and Lodging (Rs. 300.00 per person per day) may be paid on arrival for the program. You may also pay the entire amount (Registration Fee + Course Fee + Board and Lodging) together at the time of Registration.
(This is subject to change depending on the cost of living index.)
When rooms are available individuals or groups can have days of recollection, renewal, retreat, etc. with their own directors at Atmadarshan. Registration for the same has to be done in advance with the Administrator.
- Non-refundable registration fee: Rs. 200.00 per course/retreat
- Board and lodging: Rs. 300.00 per person per day
- Use of facilities: Rs. 200.00 per person per day
If the director is an Atmadarshan Staff, the normal payment will be required: 1. Non-refundable registration fee: Rs. 200.00 per program and Course fee: Rs.200.00 per person per day, and 3. Board and lodging: Rs: 300.00 per person per day.
(The above rates are subject to change depending on the cost of living index.)
If you come to Patna Junction by train, you can take a shared auto-rickshaw to Kurji Mode and then from there take another shared auto to Asiana Road, Digha Ghat. From Digha Ghat take another shared auto along Asiana Road to Atmadarshan Main Gate and reach Atmadarshan.
If you reserve a pre-paid auto-rickshaw from Patna Junction, ask for Atmadarshan on Digha Ghat-Ashiana Road Between St. Xavier’s College and Don Bosco School, Digha Ghat. It may cost you about Rs. 150.00 to 200.00 to reach Atmadarshan.
If you arrive by plane and land in Patna Airport, take a pre-paid taxi to Atmadarshan, Digha Ghat-Asiana Road, between St. Xavier’s College and Don Bosco School, Digha Ghat. It may cost you about 450.00 to Rs. 500.00 to reach Atmadarshan.
Address all correspondence to: