Home » Programes & Courses » 12. HOLISTIC AWARENESS RETREART


Frs. Joe Kunnumpuram, SJ. and Joe Vellaringatt, SJ

Dates:  5 pm July 10 to 5 pm July 22

These twelve days will be utilised for holistic awareness of one’s own person as body, heart, mind, and spirit open to oneself, others, cosmos, and the divine for an experience of the Eternal Spirit dwelling in the core of one’s heart. The first seven days will be used for integration of one’s personal life, increase in self-esteem, growth in emotional maturity, healing of fear, sadness, and anger, increase in love, peace, and joy, and above all to experience the joy of the Gospel. The following five days will be used for reaping the rich fruits of the holistic awareness in deep silence for a personal union with Jesus for a fruitful life.

(Registration and Course Fee: Rs. 1400.00)      (Board and Lodging: Rs. 250.00 per day)
( Total Cost = Rs. 4400.00)                                                     (32 seats)